Overview by the Numbers:
Currently Serving: 2,790 learners
<img src="/icons/sharing_blue.svg" alt="/icons/sharing_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Summary of Team4Tech Contributions and Collaborations (2024):
- Partnership began in 2023
- $15,000 in grant support
- Serving learners with little access to technology in Nicaragua, CREA provides educational resources, library services, and youth development programming.
- The CREA Library and Learning Center builds a learning culture for over 2,000 participants through small group classes, and the CREA mobile library delivers programming through outreach to remote communities for students who cannot get to CREA, reaching four remote communities every week.
- Using research-based interventions and strategies, CREA helps students reverse learning loss and experience greater academic success in an underserved
🤝 Partnership Objectives:
CREA partners with Team4Tech to create and implement an all-ages Spanish-language computer literacy program, weave technology skills into the curricula for all programs, create a maker space, and systematically monitor and evaluate learner progress toward technology skill development.
đź“ŠÂ Metrics:
Learner Engagement
Learner Growth
- Improvement in students’ school achievement
- Improvement student proficiency in using technology tools
- Implement technology into Academic Success Initiative for measurement of student math skills.
- Creation of a STEM program
Teacher and Staff Effectiveness
- Improvement in staff proficiency teaching technology skills as well as using technology to support instruction.
Organizational Sustainability and Scale
- Equipment and facilities exist to implement project
Grant Budget Analysis:
<img src="/icons/library_gray.svg" alt="/icons/library_gray.svg" width="40px" /> CREA puts their grant budget toward:
- Hardware for technology skills programming including laptops, wireless access points, tablets, and monitors
- Materials for improving consistent power and internet access including solar panels, back up batteries, and an internet tower.=
Skilled Volunteering Projects:
CREA has not engaged in a project with Team4Tech yet.