Overview by the Numbers:

Currently Serving: 1,000 children in learning centers | 400 children through mobile school | 100 beneficiaries in vocational training | 100 staff members

Served to Date: 2,000 beneficiaries

*As of 2022

<aside> <img src="/icons/sharing_blue.svg" alt="/icons/sharing_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Summary of Team4Tech Contributions and Collaborations (2023):


<aside> 📌 Founded in 2011, Ek Tara’s goal is to educate, engage and empower girls from marginalized communities. The mission is to transform the lives of girls living in urban slum communities in the city of Kolkata by giving them access to high-quality learning resources. This coupled with academic and nonacademic interventions aimed at holistic development will enable them to make informed life choices.


🤝 Partnership Objectives:

Ek Tara’s tech will work closely with Team4Tech to create learning management system to embed monitoring and evaluation tools. With the MIS system, it will collect data for all programs to understand how to positively support students’ growth. In addition to the partnership, Team4Tech will support Ek Tara in creating programming and robotics opportunities for learners will be prioritized.

Ek Tara Partnership Overview

Grant Budget Analysis:

<aside> <img src="/icons/library_gray.svg" alt="/icons/library_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Ek Tara utilized the grant for improving tech capacity, enhancing training materials, and investing in their M&E tools. Ek Tara purchased laptops, desktops, and other infrastructure for training students. Ek Tara invested in their training for staff to build capacity across all staff levels for tech adoption. They also purchased a M&E web application to support their long-term goal of creating an M&E tool to track all processes of the organization.


Pro Bono Capacity-Building Projects:

Partnership Impact: