Overview by the Numbers:

Currently Serving: 400 Kantaya children | 103 Podera trainees

Served to Date: 1,500+ Kantaya children | 220+ Podera trainees

<aside> <img src="/icons/sharing_blue.svg" alt="/icons/sharing_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Summary of Team4Tech Contributions and Collaborations (2023):

🤝 Partnership Objectives:

The next 3-5 years will set the baseline for further scaling up of the Kantaya model across Peru. Kantaya’s longer term vision is creating a model that can be used across Latin America and beyond.


<aside> đź“Ś Kantaya's mission is to promote quality education and holistic development for children living in impoverished communities in Peru. It does it through two programs, Kantaya After School and Kallpay Teacher's School.


Grant Budget Analysis:

<aside> <img src="/icons/library_gray.svg" alt="/icons/library_gray.svg" width="40px" />

Kantaya utilized their grant on technology, software, new infrastructure, and to invest in the development of the platform for the Podera program. First, they strengthen their platform for Teaching assistants, which aligns with of their long-term goals, by investing in platform technical support and graphic design support. Kantaya also invested in an M&E system, which allows them to improve the incorporation of KPIs and measuring results, which is another long-term goal. Lastly, Kantaya expanded their tech capacity through new software, laptops, desktops, and webcams, improving student outcomes and educational materials.


Pro Bono Capacity-Building Projects:

Team4Tech Impact:

The partnership with Team4Tech has provided Kantaya with both technical and financial support, allowing them to continuing growing their capacity.