Overview by the Numbers:
Currently Serving: 250+ students
<img src="/icons/sharing_blue.svg" alt="/icons/sharing_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Summary of Team4Tech Contributions and Collaborations (2025):
- Partnership began in 2021
- 3 projects with 47 pro bono consultants
- 474 pro bono hours committed
- $99,500+ in-kind support
- $45, 000 in grant support
📌 Founded in 2008, MAIA’s mission is to unlock and maximize the potential of girls to lead transformational change. Our vision is a new generation of female leaders who create a more equitable society.
🤝Partnership Objectives:
Team4Tech supports MAIA in defining curriculum standards, supporting content and curriculum coaching for tech educators, integrating sustainable Internet access, creating spaces with tech tools for girls to keep progressing to move forward, supporting integration of tech into pedagogy, and advancing the 21st-century tech skills needed for the workplace.
📊 Metrics:
Learner Engagement
- Graduation rate
- Rate of Girl Pioneers recieving individual and group socioemotional programming
- Rate of Girl Pioneer families receive socioemotional programming
- Rate of Girl Pioneer parents participating in bi-monthly parent schooling
- Number of Girl Pioneers receiving technology and computation courses
Learner Growth
- Annual retention rate
- Rate of Girl Pioneers passing the national university entrance exam
- Rate of academic growth per academic year.
- Number of books read per year by Girl Pioneer
Teacher and Staff Effectiveness
- Number of hours technology educators receive coaching and professional development in technology
Organizational Sustainability and Scale
- Number of technology workshops with local allies and collaborating organizations focused on using technology to increase learner engagement and learner growth
Grant Budget Analysis:
<img src="/icons/library_gray.svg" alt="/icons/library_gray.svg" width="40px" /> MAIA puts their grant budget towards:
- bolstering internet capabilities
- improving curriculum and content coaching
- building out tech capacity
Skilled Volunteering Projects:
- December 2021: Design for Impact Project with New Relic (drop down for more)
- Fall 2022: Virtual Strategic Project with Barracuda (drop down for more)
- February 2023: Design for Impact Project with Nintendo (drop down for more)
Partnership Impact: