Overview by the Numbers:

Currently Serving: 1,200 beneficiaries

Served to Date: 6,500+ beneficiaries

*As of 2022

<aside> <img src="/icons/sharing_blue.svg" alt="/icons/sharing_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Summary of Team4Tech Contributions and Collaborations:(2022):


<aside> đź“Ś Since 2004, PEPY has been connecting Cambodian youth with the skills, opportunities, and inspirations needed to reach their potential.


🤝 Partnership Objectives:

PEPY sees a partnership with Team4Tech as their chance to gain skills and access to resources that they would not have without an IT focused partnership. This would include learning how to make applications, develop the skills of their ICT teacher, and helping improve their curriculum overall to expand our introductory course to a multi-year program where interested youth can self-study and work together to excel their IT skills.

PEPY Partnership Overview

Grant Budget Analysis:

<aside> <img src="/icons/library_gray.svg" alt="/icons/library_gray.svg" width="40px" /> PEPY has used their grant to further outfit their labs, including their Learning Center, the Future is Bright lab, and their Public Computer lab expansion, including obtaining laptops, desktops, and tables/chairs for the labs. This supports PEPY’s long-term goal of making the Future is Bright Lab functional. All first year students as well as alumni are beginning to access computers, smart phones, and tablets for assignments on a regular basis, and getting more comfortable with IT more quickly getting to use it outside of the classroom. Youth can now participate in building websites, making videos, and managing their marketing with the support of staff. PEPY has also improved their content creation abilities with a new drone, cameras, and tripods. PEPY also spent their grant on Staff Capacity Development Training in marketing, communications, and e-commerce, supporting PEPY’s goal of training for PEPY staff focused on web development.


Pro Bono Capacity-Building Projects:

Team4Tech Impact: