Overview by the Numbers:
Currently Serving: 1,300+ learners
<img src="/icons/sharing_blue.svg" alt="/icons/sharing_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Summary of Team4Tech Contributions and Collaborations (2025):
- Partnership began in 2021
- 4 projects with 44 pro bono consultants
- 1,692+ pro bono hours committed
- $355,200+ in-kind support
- $45,000 in grant support
📌 PSYDEH uses ground-up, experiential education to empower Indigenous women and their communities to solve their own problems.
🤝Partnership Objectives:
PSYDEH partners with Team4Tech to develop a tailored ICT integration model designed to enhance coordination, connectivity, solidarity, and most importantly, learning. It also focuses on empowering women artisan leaders, enabling them to drive positive transformations when addressing local challenges effectively.
🔗read our partnership overview
📊 Metrics:
Learner Engagement
- Number of participants in PSYDEH programming.
- Number of technological tools being used by cooperative members.
- Digital literacy workshop training hours for a) field team, b) cooperative members
Learner Growth
- Cooperative members using technological tools in new ways.
- Digital literacy skills growth for a) field team, b) cooperative members
Teacher and Staff Effectiveness
- PSYDEH staff coordinate efficiently between and among field team and satellite team.
- PSYDEH staff run outreach and workshops using tech tools.
- Number of technological tools being used by PSYDEH staff.
Organizational Sustainability and Scale
- Four women-led cooperatives are legally constituted
of local governments hosting ICT digital workspaces for PSYDEH programming.
Grant Budget Analysis:
<img src="/icons/library_gray.svg" alt="/icons/library_gray.svg" width="40px" /> PSYDEH puts their grant budget toward:
- growing tech and internet capacity
- improving infrastructure for their hubs
- building out staff ICT training
Skilled Volunteering Projects:
- September 2021: Design for Impact with Zoom (drop down for more)
- October 2021: Skills for Impact with Zoom (drop down for more)
- October 2022: On-site Strategic Project with Viasat (drop down for more)